Tag: free mobile games


Pocket Empires MMO Update

If you haven’t yet had the chance to play Pocket Empires, developed by Pocket Play, now is a good time to go grab it off the market after the recent updates. These include another server opening up as well as unit balancing issues being worked out. Before the update in regards to unit balancing, archers were rather over-powered but that has changed now.


Multi-Game Giveaway Preview!

This is by no means our official announcement for our giveaway but we are just so excited here at Droid Gamers to be hosting our first contest/giveaway that we wanted to give everyone a sneak preview of some of the sponsors and prizes along with some hints on how you can win a copy of a game from one of our sponsors for free!


Game News Recap & Preview

This week has been a pretty amazing week not just for games on the android platform but also because CTIA happened this week with some great phones being announced. Here’s a highlight of what happened this week as well as a preview of some upcoming game news and announcements you can expect to see here.


Racing Live by Storm8

Well it didn’t take long for my suspicions to come true. Just after posting about iMobsters, Storm8 releases another one of their big MMORPGs called Racing Live. This particular one is also a port of their iPhone version and boasts 4.2 million other players whom you can race against live according to Storm8.


World War by Storm8

World War, by developer Storm8, is one of their many popular RPGs ported over from the iPhone to Android that boasts 2.8 million players already across multiple platforms now. You can battle other players live or work on making your country an even stronger superpower then it already is in between fights.


Leonard Frog Beta

Leonard Frog, by developer Masrlinu, is a frogger style game that’s been out since the beginning of January and has since then gotten a couple of big updates. This game is an Android port of the very popular iPhone version and points some new twists into the Frogger genre with things like power-ups.