Tag: Gamevil


[Update: Globally Launched] Gamevil soft launches their newest Action-RPG title called Devilian in select regions

Our friends over at Gamevil have soft launched their newest title onto Android called Devilian. This particular game is being developed by Bluehole using Unity, while Gamevil will be doing the publishing end of things. If the name of this game sounds familiar, it is because it’s actually based off of the Trion-developed PC MMORPG called Devilian.


XL Games and Gamevil’s upcoming mobile version of ArcheAge is almost ready for launch

Almost 2 years ago we reported on a partnership between XL Games and Gamevil, which was supposed to result in a mobile version of ArcheAge arriving at some point in the future. For whatever reason, after the initial announcement nothing else really ever came to light about this mobile version. Well it looks like XL Games has been working on this and it is actually close to release.