Tag: Kairosoft


Kairosoft released their newest game Magician’s Saga

Kairosoft has released a new game onto Android and this time it is something a little different than what the company usually releases. This new game is called Magician’s Saga and is actually more of an RPG than the usual straight sim style of game that tend to come from Kairosoft, although you do have a town to build up when not killing monsters.


Android Game Sale Round-Up: Limbo, WipeOut, King of Fighters, Kairosoft Games and more

Welcome to this week’s round-up of Android games that happen to be on sale right now. This particular week’s list is actually quite big, with a number of developers putting more than one game on sale. Inkle has put all three Sorcery! games on sale to celebrate the upcoming release of Sorcery! 4, and Rockstar Games still has a few Grand Theft Auto titles on sale along with Max Payne.


Looks like Kairosoft is getting ready to release a new Game Dev Story type of game

Kairosoft are pretty much the kings of sim-style games on mobile platforms. One of the games that made them as popular as they current are also happens to be one of the original titles they released onto Android called Game Dev Story. Well it appears that a possible sequel, or a similar themed game (more than likely), will be heading our way shortly with the Japanese version already having been released recently.