
Taichi Panda Heroes updated with new hero for the Lunar New Year

Taichi Panda Heroes is well supported and oft updated, two things that can’t be overstated in the mobile gaming world. This week they’ve got their Lunar New Year update that will bring some freebies, and the new Hero General Bu. Rugged and Mysterious, this famed martial arts master is available now. For anyone logging in during the Lunar event, you’ll receive 200 bound diamonds and 500k gold, so just under ten bucks worth.


[Update: Game Released] HeroCraft will be launching their Spaceship Battles MOBA at the end of this month

HeroCraft has announced that they will be releasing their next game, called Spaceship Battles, onto Android by the end of October. This particular game falls into the MOBA category pretty nicely, with players needing to design their ships before battle testing their designs against other players. HeroCraft will be publishing this game for Epic Owl, who are the developers and made up of former Rovio team members.