
Review of X Construction for Android. One of the Top 5 paid games currently available on the market.

Did you know that trains are allergic to liquid? It’s true, every time they chuga-chuga they choo-choo. Ok so that’s not a good joke but my friend made that on the spot and it fits with this game because they both involve trains. So how good is one of Android’s top selling games? Find out!

Title: X Construction | Developer: CrossConstruct | Genre: Puzzle | Players: 1 Player | Version: 1.08 | Size: 3.2MB | Price: Free (Lite) / $1.48 (Full)

Gameplay: X Construction is a physics builder type game where you are given a certain number of girders and you have to construct a bridge that is sturdy enough to transport your train across. the structure is based on a grid setup so its easy to make a systematic structure. Some levels however some levels have uneven base points, so you have to be clever about how you build your bridge. You’re given a few pointers when you start your first level about how you should build your bridge, and then you are lured into a false sense of ‘smartitude’ from the first few levels, and then humbled into submission.


Graphics and sound: The graphics are clean when I comes to the girders, but everything else seems a tiny bit fuzzy, but only if you focus really hard on it. There is no background music but there is the sound of a train when you are testing a bridge, and there’s the sound of a train full of screaming people when your bridge breaks. Very relaxing.

Controls: The controls are all touchscreen, just touch your starting point and drag to your finishing point. There is also a circle around where your finger is that changes color depending on whether or not you are able to build a girder there or that long, it also helps for deciding where your girder will end.

Overall: Overall this game is for the engineers that enjoy building and tinkering, and it is a fun game to do a level or two every once in a while after you’ve played all the other games installed on your phone and beaten them. There is a reason it is 4th in the Top5 paid games on Android.

Rating: 3.8/5

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