
Preview of OrangePixel’s upcoming game called INC. Already looks like a winner.

OrangePixel have been developing retro-style games for Android for awhile now and it seems as though every release gets better and better in some fashion. Well now they are working on a new game called INC and already, between the mock-ups and the preview video, it looks like it will be a lot of fun.

INC is actually what it is supposed to mean, Incorporated, so there isn’t any hidden meaning behind the name. Well maybe not yet anyways. It is going to be a plaformer with black/white/red coloring to it which will really dig into the whole retro look quite well. It looks like it will be more of an action/platformer than a puzzle platform as well judging from the preview video where you’ll be running around blasting pixel bullets and pixel enemies. Truly a retro arcade game.


So when will this bad boy be unleashed onto the Android Market? Well from the development blog OrangePixel is running about INC, it states it will be released later this year so we do have some waiting to do. Until then, enjoy the preview video below.

Developer Website: OrangePixel

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