
Demo Time! Fragment 3D point-and-click adventure game demo available to try out

Sapling Creations has released a demo for everyone to try out of their upcoming point-and-click adventure game called Fragment 3D. This game will be an episodic title, meaning there will be episodes, or chapters, released on a regular basis which will further the storyline of the game.

The developers say they were inspired by games like Day Of The Tentacle, Sam & Max and Beneath a Steel Sky when creating Fragment 3D. The game is set in a world that is completely populated by robots. I guess we, as humans, decided it was time to die out. You control your robot named Fragment who was tossed out into the underworld and left to rust and die away as scrape metal. Your goal will be to try and escape being disassembled, eventually uncovering a sinister conspiracy and trying to stop it.


This release is a short tech demo of Fragment 3D, sort of a prologue to the actual storyline and game. It’s available to play for free on the Android Market and the developers have mentioned that the first full chapter will be released soon which will have new puzzles and game mechanics and even some mini-games. Until then though, you can enjoy this demo which, so far, a lot of people seem to really like. We can see why, there is a lot of potential in this game.

Developer Website: Sapling Creations

Android Market Link: Fragment 3D Demo

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