
Tuesday Afternoon Humor: Iran Video Game Foundation goes after Angry Birds over cyber warfare claims

Regardless of what country this would have come from, the fact that you can accuse a video game, and the company, with cyber warfare is an amusing concept but that is exactly what is happening with Rovio over two levels in the recent “Fry Me to the Moon” update for Angry Birds Space by the Iran Computer & Video Game Foundation. The charge? The two levels in Angry Birds Space are anti-Iranian levels in theme.

The letter sent to Rovio outlines that levels nine and ten in the update that features a planet shaped suspiciously like Iran, while level ten also features a structure that bears a strong resemblance to the Milad Tower, Iran’s tallest building. The letter also claims that Rovio is encouraging anti-Iranian sentiment due to players having to destroy these levels, as with all levels in any Angry Birds game. But wait, there’s more!


The letter further claims that Angry Birds Space as being a part of the US-lead cyberwar against Iran even though the game was developed in Finland. Let me just state this for the record, are we really going to go to this level of claiming a stage/level in a video game is in part of a cyber warfare campaign? Really? REALLY?? I don’t care what country this comes from, this is a bit much for anyone.

As of right now Rovio hasn’t responded back to this letter but when they do, we will be sure to post an update.

Website Referenced: PockerGamer

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