
Nintendo will soon let you buy games and setup downloads in the eShop on you phone

Nintendo is a company is really isn’t about mobile gaming when it comes to smartphones and tablets. The company has been pretty outspoken about their stance on this, probably because they have their own mobile handheld gaming systems to concern themselves with. That, however, won’t stop then from giving you options on how you can spend your cash on their games.

Apparently Nintendo will soon be opening up the ability for smartphone users to purchase games on Nintendo’s eShop and setup downloads of your purchased games. That way when you get home you can just jump right into playing your newly purchased game. This service doesn’t look to be coming to smartphone users as an app though but instead it will be just the ability to log into the site (a mobile version that is) and then purchase whatever game they are interested in and setup the download for it.

For those of you interested in this, the service will become available to PC and smartphone users sometime later this year.

Website Referenced: Joystiq

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