
EP0CH 2 Review: What a rail shooter should be

LIke it’s predecessor, EP0CH 2 is a rail shooter from Uppercut Games. Whereas the initial release had as many ups as it had downs, the second release in this franchise is vastly improved in just about every way (save for the IAPs that continue to be included in this paid game).

The story for EP0CH 2 picks up where the other leaves off, as you now work at the behest of the princess you were striving to recover. What’s nice about the story in this game is that there are cut scenes between every level, where see and hear what’s happening with the story. There are still the “intercepts” that fill in gaps, but (thankfully) they aren’t necessary for the larger picture and can be skipped should they bore you, as they did me. In addition to the princess and the eponymous EP0CH, there’s a villainous robot named Proteous that also plays a role in the cut scenes, attempting to win EP0CH away from the service of the princess.

The cut scenes are mostly comprised of stilted monologues from the princess that are directed at EP0CH (who apparently doesn’t speak), or later some dialogue with Proteous. While the writing isn’t the most engrossing of stories I’ve ever encountered, it’s a definite step up from what was offered in the prequel. The goal of every level is to collect power cores that will allow EP0CH to awaken the now-found princess from cryogenic slumber, as her holographic avatar is quick to explain early on. As an aside to these cut scenes, on many of them (and at a handful of points while playing through a couple of levels near the end), I noticed stuttering in one form or another. I place most of the blame here on my hardware though (a stock 2012 Nexus 7), as I also loaded the game onto my 2013 Moto X to test out some of the dialogue and didn’t see any problems I found on my Nexus tanblet. Bear that risk in mind if you choose to grab this game to play on older hardware.

As I mentioned at the outset, the game play for EP0CH 2 is vastly improved over the first. Whereas with the first EP0CH the scenery is very similar from one “stop” to the next, and one level to the next, the sequel is considerably more varied, both in appearance as well as the layout of a given “stop” or level as a whole, EP0CH can now jump vertically when positioned in the middle of a given three-position stop. There are also rails positioned overhead, so when players jump, EP0CH will then hang from the rafter with a free arm and shoot with the other down on robots on the ground. Players can move EP0CH from side to side while hanging from the rafter, just as if it were positions on the ground (sans the ground cover to hide behind). At other points, there are multiple floors from which EP0CH can jump up to (or down from), while retaining the ability to dive/jump horizontally. Yet with adding new wrinkles to how this rial shooter is played, it isn’t any more complicated and retains the game’s simplicity. Even the backgrounds have been upgraded as battlefields now encompass the tops of moving trains with platforms full of enemy robots flying in from various directions, dried up shipyards, and more.

Uppercut Games has done a great job stretching the confines of the original EP0CH, as well as rail shooters in general here. Beyond that, there are new enemies, with more variety to them. Some hover and heal enemy robots, others fly strait into EP0CH, in a kamikaze run, while yet more fire upon EP0CH while flying about. There are zombie-esque robots that march towards the player’s position with the intention of exploding upon arrival. Others types of robots jump in close to attack EP0CH in a melee fashion; fortunately, two can play at that game here as there are times when a circle will appear over your target where EP0CH will be able to perform the same kind of melee attack. Uppercut Games also tweaked how guns reload, as there’s now an opportunity for a fast reload that awards bonus damage to shots fired, if it’s timed properly. They also added more options to the types of grenades, rockets, and other power-ups available to be purchased and equipped. The armor types also have more variety, and seem to just look better than the options I saw in the previous game.

There are now many more bosses to be encountered, many at the end of levels. An Arena mode has been added, with leader boards for how long one survives against wave after wave of enemy robots, Google Play Games integration, and a much improved sound track that includes more instruments and more variety in its sound. There are even checkpoints within levels, that auto-save your progress. If you fail and are defeated, you can restart the level from the beginning, or from your last checkpoint. At the risk of repeating myself, they’ve done a lot things to improve this game over the first, and it really shows. I can easily picture this becoming the first of one of the successful franchises in Android gaming.

EP0CH 2 is a an easy recommendation to anyone that appreciates robot oriented action or rail shooters, even at $4.99 with In App Purchasing on top of that.

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