
The Cocos2d v3.7 update is now available, merges Cocos2d-JS into Cocos2d-x

Chukong Technologies has announced that Cocos2d-JS has merged into Cocos2d-x to form Voltron… er… the new Cocos2d v3.7 update which is now available for download. For those of you not familiar with Cocos, this is basically one of the largest and most popular game development engines for mobile games. According to Chukong Technologies, Cocos now has over 490,000 registered mobile game developers and over 16,000 published titles.

The v3.7 update brings with it all kinds of goodies, mainly due to the above mentioned merger of Cocos2d-JS and Cocos2d-x which is the foundation for this update. The reason for this move with merging the two products is to provide greater ease of use and less confusion over which product to use when making your mobile game. It also allows for the ability to customize their Coscos Framework.

Cocos2d v3.7 Features:

– SDKBOX (now has 8 services integrated into it as well)
– 3D Physics
– 3D Navigation Mesh
– Material System
– All in one Cocos2d-x
– Enhanced Polygon Sprite
– WebView and VideoPlayer in JS
– Nine Patch format support
– Android Studio support
– Samsung Enhanced API support

The 2D rendering in v3.7 has been improved upon as well thanks to the material system and integrated polygon sprite. Another addition to this update is the inclusion of Nine Patch image support. However, if you really want to get into the update details, we suggest checking out the official blog post about the update over on the Cocos website.

The Cocos2d game engine supports cross-platform game development and is open source which means downloading and using this engine is free. The version 3.7 update is now available for download.

Official Website: Cocos2d v3.7 update

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