
Niantic reveals the 100+ cities partaking in the global Ingress First Saturday event on November 7th

The developers behind the location-based Ingress games as well as the upcoming Pokemon GO title have revealed the details for their global Ingress First Saturday event this Saturday, November 7th, 2015. The event is actually pretty interesting in concept because it does actually happen across 100+ different cities around the world.

This event is Part social meet-up and part competition which is “designed to help new Ingress players meet fellow Agents in their areas, explore and discover new information about their cities and level up while completing player-created missions.” This will be a continuous event each month, happening the first Saturday of every month for as long as it remains popular.

If you want additional details about this event, you can check out the Ingress Live Events page which also lists all of the cities this will be happening in. Unfortunately Las Vegas won’t be a part of this so we might have to travel to check this out.

Official Website: Ingress Live Events

Related Article: Pokemon GO Coming Soon

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