
The Taekwondo Games gets updated with a lot of new content including online multiplayer

The Taekwondo Game by developers Hello There has actually been available for awhile now on Android. Since the game’s release back in 2014, there have been a few good sized updates to arrive for it already and today’s newest one is now exception either. It is a pretty big update that brings a lot of new content.

The update for The Taekwondo Game brings new worlds, characters, and customization to the game. Interestingly enough, this update was developed with the actual World Taekwondo Federation being involved in the new content as well. This includes a new Rio 2016 Championship tournament that you can choose to partaken in.

While a lot of the new content is for the single-player gamer out there playing this, if you’ve been wanting to beat the crap out of other players, you’re now able to do that as well, thanks to the online multiplayer mode. This is pretty much just as it sounds, you will pick the character you want and go up against other players who are also looking to beat on other people.

The Taekwondo Game update just got released so it is currently propagating throughout Google Play. If you don’t see it this very minute, wait a few and try again as it should be appearing for most regions right now.

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