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Battle of Polytopia gets a new icon along with a small update

Polytopia Android

Battle of Polytopia development has slowed on mobile lately following the Steam release. A new update has just landed though that brings with it an icon refresh.

The icon now depicts a Bardur soldier firing a trebuchet, which is pretty cool. Apparently the design of the game has changed too, to celebrate the new logo but we haven’t checked it out yet.

Battle of Polytopia is a lot like Civilisation

New additions include a new button to pick a random tribe, support for devices with an aspect ratio of 18:9, and the removal of the old multiplayer server.

There’s also a bunch of quality of life changes as well but the Google Play description doesn’t go into more details. You’ll have to grab the game yourself to find out what’s changed.

So head on over to Google Play right now and get this awesome Civilisation-like strategy game.

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