
Black Desert Mobile Gets a Brand New World Boss Nouver in Latest Update

Black Desert Mobile just received a brand new update that features a terrifying new world boss called Nouver.

Nouver is available to players level 55 and above and appears for two hours each day. Defeat it and you can get your hands on some quality loot.

Black Desert Mobile Also Gets Cron Castle Underwater Cave and Mystical Crafting

Also included in this update is the Cron Castle Underwater Cave, which is available to players at a CP of around 4,300 and, again, showers you with decent loot.

Lastly, you can now craft 2-slot Mystal gear at the Blacksmith in Camp, providing you with a whole new means of getting your hands on quality gear.

So go ahead and grab Black Desert Mobile or the latest update right now from Google Play.

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