
Carcassonne is going very cheap on Android

Carcassonne Android

The official digital version of the board gameĀ CarcassonneĀ is currently going very cheap on Android. It’s less than half of the original price, which was ridiculously high to be fair.

But the new price is much more palatable if you fancy checking out the awesome board game. What is it? Well, it’s one of those games where you place a bunch of tiles to do stuff.

Grab Carcassonne on sale right now

Stuff like what? What’s with all the questions? Stuff like roads, buildings, and gardens to make your little town beautiful and prosperous.

You then place your characters (called Meeples) on the various different locations to produce different results. You might set a knight to guard your city, or place a robber on a road.

Meanwhile, your opponent is doing the same as you. Each round you’ll consider whether to sabotage them, or boost your own city. Go get it right now on Google Play cheap.

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