Author: Jaymes Carter


Coming Next Week to Android: Jacob Jones and the Bigfoot Mystery – A Charmingly Visual 3D Puzzler

Coming out of Liverpool, UK is one of the most charmingly visual games to be released in some time. Lucid Games will release Jacob Jones and the Bigfoot Mystery on Android next week, July 23rd and we couldn’t be more excited. It was released on IOS earlier this year to much acclaim. Graphically it is as appealing as Gesundheit by Revolutionary Concepts and Paper Monsters by Crescent Moon Games.


Out Now for Android – Transworld Endless Skater – Endless Skating Fun

It wasn’t too long ago that we heard about this title coming to Android. It combines two categories that have had much success in the gaming community. They are endless runners and skateboarding. Not that this type of game hasn’t been attempted before, but with Supervillain Studios and TransWorld SKATEboarding at the helm, their synergy has created a game with a considerable amount of entertainment.


Game Review: Terminus – A Rotational Runner by Imaginary Computer

Who knew that the runner genre of game play would become so popular? There is no shortage of runner type games in the Play Store.  The game play is straightforward, your character is propelled ahead of you and all you have to do is either tap or swipe to stay alive. Terminus by Imaginary Computer takes things beyond the traditional game play and spins your environment around you as you are launched down a chamber. Guess what? It works.


[Updated] Coming Soon: A Platforming Piece of Art – Leo’s Fortune

The release of good games for Android continues in July. Leo’s Fortune which was recently released for IOS makes it arrival on the Play Store July 10th.  The reviews have been quite positive for this game whose main protagonist is a mustached furry green ball.  The four person team behind Leo’s Fortune (1337 & Senri) are the creators of Dark Nebula and Devil’s Attorney, both successful entries in mobile gaming.


Out Now for Android – Lost Toys by Indie Game Developer Barking Mouse Studios

There are a lot of big budget game developers that produce amazing games.  They have scores of team members and the technology to produce what eventually become blockbuster titles. When we come across a game that is equally impressive from an indie game developer everyone should take notice. These are the games that should be celebrated. That is what has happened to two-team indie game developers Danielle Swank and Jim Fleming of Barking Mouse Studios with their first game Lost Toys.


Out Now for Android – Fightback – A Fluid Fighting Game by Ninja Theory

When a game developer chooses to go by the name of Ninja Theory, one should expect some pretty good games filled with action. Based in Cambridge, UK, Ninja Theory has fulfilled our gaming expectations in the past. They are well known amongst Xbox and PlayStation owners for games such as Heavenly Sword, Enslaved: Odyssey to the West and Devil May Cry. Their first venture into mobile gaming in collaboration with Chillingo has arrived in the Play Store entitled Fightback.


Coming to Android in August: Back to Bed by Bedtime Digital Games

Back to Bed by Bedtime Digital Games has had a lengthy development cycle. Fortunately for Android gamers, it will arrive in the Play Store in August. That’s not too long to wait for a game of this caliber. The game was first developed as a student project with the Danish Academy for Digital Interactive Entertainment (DADIU) in 2011. After receiving quite a few awards for the intriguing game play and enchanting graphics, a KickStarter campaign was initiated and successfully funded in 2013. Now, the adventures of a narcoleptic gentleman named Bob and his trusty guardian Subob will make their way to your favorite handheld devices.


Out Now for Android: MobileBits’ SoulCraft 2: League of Angels – Floats into the Play Store

While there are a few games on sale for this Fourth of July celebration, you can’t find a better price than free! Seemingly out of nowhere, MobileBits has released their second Action/RPG game in Soulcraft 2: League of Angels. The first SoulCraft game was a successful entry for MobileBits and the graphics and game play were fun. As a matter of fact, the original game really impressed us with what was possible on mobile devices.