
Android: 5 gaming news stories you should have read this week

Pocket RPG Android

What’s the best way to send your Sunday? Going for a lovely walk? Having a nice meal with family and friends? Sure, those are nice things – but neither involve getting your Android gaming fix. So before you do any of that, read these top five Android gaming news stories from the week.

The biggest Android gaming news story this week: Pocket RPG goes free

One of Android’s first and finest RPGs Pocket RPG went free this week on Google Play, serving an excellent history lesson for fans of mobile gaming. The offer has sadly run out now, but it’s still a mere dollar so go grab it.

The Pascals Wager will soon offer a Bloodborne-style experience on Android

Ever wished you could take Bloodborne on the go with you? Well, it’s not coming to mobile so don’t get too excited. Instead, we’re getting The Pascal’s Wager, which is basically the same thing but tailour-made for mobile.

Counter-Strike and Pokémon GO meet in Reality Clash

Here’s a combination we never thought we’d hear in the same sentence: Counter-Strike and Pokémon GO. That’s basically what Reality Clash offers though. It’s a location-based AR game that lets you challenge real life players to an impromptu shootout while walking about.

Reality Clash Android

Knights Fury is an upcoming action RPG that’s something of a departure for King

Knights of Fury is an action RPG by King, the masters of match three puzzlers. Definitely a change of pace for them then, but it looks great. There’s a fantastic art style and loads of customisation options for your knight. It’s in soft launch now, in certain territories.

Pre-registration is now up for Capcom’s military sim Black Command

Capcom is randomly working on an authentic military sim called Black Command. You’ll run your own personal militant group that you’ll equip and send out to get involved in real life conflicts to change world politics.

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