
Blades Of Chance Chests Guide

Feature image for our Blades Of Chance chests guide. It shows a Fortuna's Treasure chest.

Blades Of Chance just dropped, and the PVP RNG game is all about chests. These are where all the er, blades in Blades Of Chance come from. Understanding the different kinds of chests in-game is important knowledge. Fortunately, it’s knowledge we’re eager to share with you! Our Blades Of Chance chests guide tells you about all the different chests in-game, how to get them, and why they’re a big deal.

Want to try Blades Of Chance for yourself? Take a look on Roblox. We also have a Blades Of Chance blades list with all the weapons.

Blades Of Chance Chests Guide

Chests are the things you open to acquire new swords in-game. There are several different kinds, and the types can influence what you roll. Let’s go over the types.

Normal Chest

The most common kind of chest, you have these roughly nine times out of every ten rolls. These appears to roll blades at default levels of Luck.

Castaway Chest

A chest with gold accents, this chest appears once every ten rolls, and appears to give you a boosted chance of giving you rare blades.

Fortuna’s Treasure

An elaborate chest with purple panels and a skull-shaped lock appears once every 100 Rolls. This chest appears to offer better luck in your roll, but that’s not all! You also get 5 Gems as a bonus. No complaining from us.

Chest Of Dreams

Dream chests are a little bit different from the other chests you’ll run into. These are found in the Shop tab, and purchased with Gems. It costs 500 Gems for one Chest Of Dreams. Opening one of these gives you one of the limited weapons listed below.

  • Bloodmoon – 50% Chance
  • Azure Serpent – 33% Chance
  • Eagle Eye – 9% Chance
  • Inferno Cleaver – 1% Chance

That only makes up 93% of course, so hopefully it doesn’t give you any bad rolls!

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