
Bleach Soul Reaper Reroll Guide – Should You Reroll?

the image shows a bunch of 3D characters to the left with full health bars about to take on a giant entity which has a black cloak-like appearance with a white face and pointed nose.

Unsure if you should tempt a reroll or need a guide on how to do it? My Bleach Soul Reaper Reroll Guide has everything you need to know about the reroll process. Gacha games are all about chance, so if you’re off to a bad start then this cheat sheet is your redemption ticket!

Check out the Bleach: Soul Reaper over on Google Play. We also have a Bleach Soul Reaper Tier List for you if you need help deciding who to reroll for.

Bleach Soul Reaper Reroll Guide

Rerolling is a common part of gacha games, though not everyone does it. Rerolling lets you retry the initial free rolls you’re given after the tutorial. Strong characters have a small drop chance vs more common units. Your beginner’s free rolls may deal you a really weak hand making the game process far more grindy and difficult.

You don’t have to reroll to play a gacha. You can either deal with the hand dealt and play the game’s story route to unlock stronger characters or sink money into the game which is the sad intention of all gachas. People usually reroll to have access to stronger units off the bat or have their favourite character alongside their journey from the get-go.

How To Reroll In Bleach Soul Reaper

Thankfully rerolling isn’t overly complex, but it is a bit of a drag. Follow my simple step-by-step to achieve a reroll in Bleach Soul Reaper:

  • Download Bleach Soul Reaper and sign in via a guest account
  • Follow the game’s natural direction and progress through the tutorial missions
  • When you unlock the beginners banner perform your free rolls
  • If you don’t get a character of interest log out, delete the game data from your device and start again from step one
  • Once you obtain a character from the banner which you want you can then connect your guest account to an email to secure the login

Is Rerolling Worth It?

If you want a stronger start in the game or have a character you are desperate for then yes! Otherwise, I recommend just playing the game naturally as you’ll earn more banner rolls as you progress. The process of enrolling is extremely grindy and can take multiple attempts before you get the character you want, so it isn’t for the faint of heart!

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