
Deadly Decisions The Hunt Answers Guide

The image shows my avatar stood in front of the The Hunt banner in the main lobby of the game. To the right of her is a sign to announce the chances of a The Hunt category within the game

The game title gives enough away, you make decisions and some may be deadly. My Deadly Decisions The Hunt guide runs you through each question and answer proposed by the game to earn your event badge.

Check out a list of participating games on Roblox. For more shameless plugging, The Hunt content check out our Tsunami Game The Hunt Quest Guide. Or how about my How To Get The Swordburst 3 The Hunt Badge guide?

Deadly Decisions The Hunt Guide

If you’re not already familiar with Deadly Decisions, then the idea for this title is that you will need to survive each game round to earn your badge. Each round asks a question and the wrong answer could forfeit your chances for the badge. Don’t worry too much, you can always retry, but the questions do alter! So, let’s get into the guide listing each possible question and its answer for your The Hunt badge.

Once you’ve loaded into the lobby and entered the game, you’ll want to vote for “The Hunt” category if it shows up to play for the badge. Run to the correct answer before the timer is up to proceed to the next question. Complete each one, and you’ll get your badge. Simple, right? Onto the potential questions and answers list:

Deadly Decisions Questions and Answers

  • What is the name of the Roblox event that features game developers and creators?
  • Answer: RDC
  • What type of virtual events has Roblox hosted?
  • Answer: Concerts and Award Shows
  • What programming language do Roblox developers use?
  • Answer: LuaU
  • When were guests removed?
  • Answer: 2017
  • The 2019 Egg Hunt (Scrambled in Time) was themed around what?
  • Answer: Marvel Studios (Endgame)
  • What is the number of friends a user can have on Roblox?
  • Answer: 200
  • Which egg canon was used by Roblox admins to launch eggs in the Roblox Easter Egg Hunt Event?
  • Answer: Egg Cannon 9000
  • Which one was a real membership type?
  • Answer: Outrageous Builders Club
  • Sword Fight!
  • Choose a side and use your sword to defeat other players. You can avoid defeating players and wait for the timer to expire if you’d rather avoid conflict.
  • Floor Is Lava!
  • Climb objects around the platform to avoid the lava pooling through the floor.
  • Find The Color!
  • When this prompt shows, wait for a colour to flash on the monitor then stand on the matching colour tile. Be quick as you only have around 4 seconds to complete this challenge!
  • Guess The Flag!
  • Stand on the correct side of the flag displayed on the monitor to survive

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