
How To Unlock Mounts In Tales Of Tanorio

Feature image for our guide on how to get a mount in Tales Of Tanorio. It shows a battle between two Tanorians, with one holding large claws to the others' chin.

So you’ve started your adventure through Tanorio, to make friends with all its adorable inhabitants.. and catch a few along the way. Feel like you could be getting around a little faster, and in more style? Fortunately, there are several Tanorians that you can use as a means of transport, but first, you need to get hold of them. Fortunately for you, our guide on how to unlock mounts in Tales Of Tanorio runs over what you need to know.

You can play Tales Of Tanorio for yourself on Roblox. Want some more expert Roblox advice? Try our Peroxide Hollow guide!

How To Unlock Mounts In Tales Of Tanorio

So, let’s get stuck into the questions. We’ve built this based on what we think will be the real burning questions about mount mechanics.

What Are Mounts?

Mounts are Tanorians that you can ride around, increasing your speed, which comes in handy when traveling back and forth. They also look pretty cool, too.

After progressing further into the game, mounts become useful for clearing obstructions from your path, too.

How Do I Get A Mount?

You need one of a set list of Tanorians that qualify as mounts in order to use one. The good news is, your starter Tanorian should qualify once they meet their third evolution. Here’s a complete list of the Tanorians that qualify as mounts.

  • Astaroid
  • Dandylion
  • Dynastogun
  • Guardemis
  • Ignidall
  • Jespirit
  • Pirrat

Once you have one from the list, you should find them in the Mounts section of the Tanorians menu. Select and equip it from there to hop on!

Are There Any Problems With Mounts?

While the mounts can make getting around, and even evading unwanted trainer fights easier. However, as the game is still in early stages, there are a few issues still to work through. A few players on the official Discord recently reported hopping on a mount caused them to drop through the map and stay there.


No worries though! Just use the ‘Get Unstuck’ option in the settings to reset your position if you find yourself in a similar situation!

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