
Legacy Piece Fruit Tier List

Feature image for our Legacy Piece fruit tier list. It shows an extreme close-up of a fishman's face in-game.

They say you need to eat more fruit, and in Legacy Piece that’s true as well. Devil Fruits are strange magical food items that give you supernatural powers. Not all of them are as magical as the others though. Some might make you a god, others might just make you mildly unnatural. In our Legacy Piece Fruit tier list, we’re going to rank all of the fruit from the most impressive to the ones that might as well go right in the compost bin.

Want to play? Legacy Piece is out now on Roblox. Want to hear about the playable races too? Our Legacy Piece Race tier list might help.

Legacy Piece Fruit Tier List

So how do they measure up?


Awesome, these absolutely dominate.

  • Mera/Fire
  • Hie/Ice
  • Paw


Excellent, good moves and power level.

  • Bomb
  • Wax


Decent but nothing wild.

  • Diamond
  • Weapon


Moves are a bit niche. Not useful in all situations.

  • Chop
  • Spin


Really useless.

Legacy Piece Fruit List

These are the fruit available in the current version of the game. If they’re not on a tier ye,t it’s because we’ve not 100% decided where to put them.

  • Bomb
  • Chop
  • Diamond
  • Hie
  • Mera
  • Paw
  • Spin
  • Wax
  • Weapon

How Do Our Tiers Work?

Confused? Don’t worry, we’ll explain. The tier list ranks each fruit from the best in the S tier, to the least helpful down in the D tier. Below we’ve included a rundown of what each of the tier levels roughly means.

  • S Tier:  The most powerful fruits available. These will let you absolutely dominate later game content.
  • A Tier: Extremely good and worth getting excited about. You can rely on these to get you out of trouble.
  • B Tier:  Decent and good for early to mid-game content, you might grow out of them after a while.
  • C Tier: Powers have some uses, but some only in specific situations, which makes them less helpful than others. Better than nothing!
  • D Tier: Nothing might be better than this, it’s useless.

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