
Pet Catchers Sea Champion – How To Catch Sea Champion

Feature image for our Pet Catchers Sea Champion guide. It shows a small lake with a waterfall in the in-game meadow area.

Looking to unlock the deep secrets of the oceanic pet? The Pet Catchers Sea Champion is a secret pet that demands a bit of dedication to get hold of. Don’t worry though, our guide will reveal the mystery and show you how to get this rare and sought-after monster trotting at your heels.

Want to play the game yourself? Take a look at Pet Catchers on Roblox. Want more Roblox guides? We’ve got an Anime Last Stand Jotaro guide hot off the presses.

Pet Catchers Sea Champion

Now, let’s get on to answering any burning questions.

About The Sea Champion

The Sea Champion is a ★★★★★, or Secret pet. Its non-shiny form is a blue, four-legged creature in a gold crown. It has horns, fins, and a watery aura. There’s also a shiny form that colors it in black and orange instead of its default blue and cyan.

How Do You Catch The Sea Champion?

The Sea Champion is a secret pet awarded to any player who catches every available fish type in the game. That’s 28 different species as of our last check.

How Do You Catch All The Fish?

There are several things you’ll need to catch all the fish in the game. We’ve listed them below.

  • Access to all areas – You’ll need to be able to fish in the waters of a wide range of areas in order to grab all the fish, so you’ll need to unlock all of the different areas beforehand, or while you progress. It’s probably easier to do it beforehand.
  • An upgraded fishing rod – Some rods will only catch fish up to a certain level of rarity, which means you won’t be able to get all the fish. You don’t actually need to get the highest upgrade, the Diamond Rod, to catch all the fish. You can catch all rarities with the Silver Rod, but the Gold Rod and Diamond Rod give you better chances of rare catches, so you may want to upgrade anyway if things are taking too long.

Now you know, it’s time to get fishing! Best of luck!

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