
Snowbreak Containment Zone Reroll Guide

A Snowbreak Containment Zone character standing in a corridor.

Snowbreak Containment Zone is finally here, allowing you to shoot, loot, and summon characters gacha-style with wild abandon. If you’ve come to this guide, you’ve probably already done all of that but aren’t happy with your initial pull. The solution is to perform a Snowbreak Containment Zone reroll, which is exactly what I’m going to detail below.

Before we get to that though, Snowbreak Containment Zone is a brand new mobile gacha that actually aims to do something new with the genre. For a start, it’s in full 3D and sees you exploring environments, shooting enemies Nikke-style, and even going into cover when the going gets rough.

You can grab Snowbreak Containment Zone from Google Play. We’ve also put together a Snowbreak Containment Zone tier list and a Snowbreak Containment Zone codes.

Snowbreak Containment Zone Reroll

Now, let’s take a look at the steps you have to complete to perform a Snowbreak Containment Zone reroll.

  1. Launch Snowbreak Containment Zone
  2. When you encounter the login screen, opt to create a Seasun account
  3. Fill in the details
  4. Play through the tutorial until you’ve completed chapter 1
  5. Access the mailbox and accept all of your pre-registration rewards
  6. Pull on your desired banner
  7. If you get the character you wanted, you’re done
  8. If not, logout of your account and perform these steps again

Why Should I Use a Seasun Account?

That’s the friendliest rerolling option at present, as it allows you to select which email you use versus the other options.

Ideally, you want a few dummy Gmail addresses that you can use to sign up for multiple accounts until you get the character you want.

Failing this, you can just add a ‘.’ or a’-‘ between any of the characters before ‘’ to differentiate your email between accounts.

When Should I Reroll?

To save yourself time, I’d recommend rerolling as soon as you’re able to. While you can keep playing, saving up your DigiCash, it will take considerably more time.

Given that you get so much DigiCash from pre-registration rewards, it’s worth just pulling with them.

Which Banner Should I Pull On?

That depends on which character you want to pull. If you want the character in the banner, pull on that banner. If not, pull on Battle Assembly.

Battle Assembly guarantees you a random five star after 50 pulls, and grants you a 20% discount on ten pulls.

That means you can hit the five star character limit for the same amount of currency as 40 pulls of the character banner.

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