
What in Hell is Bad Paimon – Everything You Need to Know

What in Hell is Bad Paimon artwork.

Want to get to know What in Hell is Bad Paimon better? Well, we have got a treat in store for you. In this guide, I’m going to round up all of the details you need to know about the character. This will include details about their personality, idiosyncrasy, traits, and abilities. I’ll update this guide if anything changes with Paimon, be it balancing or new features. So, I recommend bookmarking this page and checking back often to see if anything has changed.

What in Hell is Bad is a gacha game that sees you venture into Hell itself to meet a diverse cast of characters, You recruit them, place them into a party, and send them out into battle to defend you from the angelic hordes trying to destroy you. In between battles you can get to know the characters and their various side-stories. It will appeal to those who like visual novels.

You can grab What in Hell is Bad from Google Play. For more guides, check out our What in Hell is Bad Leviathan, What in Hell is Bad Lucifer, and What in Hell is Bad Mammon articles.

What in Hell is Bad Paimon

Now, let’s take a look at everything you need to know about What in Hell is Bad Paimon.


Paimon is a calm, relaxed, and carefree demon… when not in combat. Given his penchant for blood, Paimon is pretty violent when at war, and leaves the battlefield quite messy.

Paimon loves bubble gum, and is considered quite messy. This is due to the gum on his face after he pops a bubble.


Paimon is from the Gehenna realm, ruled over by Satan. That makes Paimon a Demon from Ars Goetia.


Paimon suffers from haematophilia, which appears to be a love of blood. I’ll leave the rest to your imagination.


Paimon is an S-grade long range saboteur, who fights with a rifle. He’s best placed at the rear of your party, where he will pick off enemies from a safe distance.

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