
Baldur’s Gate is going cheap on Android again

Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition Android RPGs

It feels like the Infinity Engine games go on sale on a weekly basis, and this week doesn’t disappoint. The very first, Baldur’s Gate, is going for around $2.

This is Beamdog’s Enhanced Edition, which includes better visuals, extra content, and a new UI, amongst many more improvements.

There’s even brand new content, some of which you can purchase as DLC. If you end up enjoying the adventure, you can go straight onto the Siege of Dragonspear expansion.

Baldur’s Gate is one of the founding fathers of western RPGs

In case you’re unaware, the Infinity Engine is th original Baldur’s Gate engine, which is also responsible for Planescape: Torment.

Beamdog has been working hard on updating and rereleasing these titles for a modern audience. If you love your western RPGs like The Witcher, you should really check out where they started.

So go ahead and grab Baldur’s Gate on Google Play right now. It’s on sale for about $2 – an absolute steal.

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