
Brawl Stars Summer Update Summary

Brawl Stars Android

For those of you that don’t keep up to date with Brawl Stars, yesterday Supercell released an update video about the future changes coming our way this summer.

These changes cover a lot of different aspects of the game, so to save time, here is a quick list of whats to come.

What’s Coming this Summer to Brawl Stars?

Tick – A new brawler called Tick who will be unlocked when a player reaches 4000 trophies on Trophy Road.

Tick’s Attacks – His normal attack involves launching proximity mines (Similar to Bo’s super), and his super is a homing missile where he launches his entire head at the enemy.

New Skins – There will be four new robot-themed skins for Crow, Bo, Spike and Mike.

New In-Game Currency. Every brawler you have over 500 trophies will have the excess turned into Star Points. Use Star Points to buy variations on the skins you have purchased.

The last thing to tell you is actually the biggest change, where three new Star Powers join the game every week, all summer long.

If you haven’t already downloaded Brawl Stars, you can get a copy from the Google Play store.

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