
Blocky City-Builder Brixity Enters Pre-Registration

Feature image for our Brixity news piece. It shows the game's logo, with a blocks human and robot character.

Brixity, a new game from the developers of the Cookie Run franchise, just opened an all-new title for pre-registration on Android.

The pre-registration also opens the door to an upcoming Early Access test that kicks off between the 9th and 20th of August. There are also exclusive costumes, in-game currency, and CookieRun reards up for grabs as a reward for registration.

All pre-registered users will get 500 crystals on the official launch of the game.

There’s Time To Get Into The Early Access

You can apply for the Early Access right up until August 7th. Make sure you pre-register before then if you’re interested in becoming one of the first wave of players to get their hands on the game. If you get in, you can even invite friends in with a secret invite system, so that’s nice.

So what is Brixity all about? Well, it’s a city-builder with a blocky, lego-y aesthetic. Brick-city, get it? Obvious titles aside, it’s not the premise you might expect. You find Brick-Earth devastated by an as-yet-unspecified crisis.

You are the Brixmaster and your job is to try and restore the world for its inhabitants, known as Pipo.

For The Pipo

The main selling point of Brixity appears to be its emphasis on customization. You are able to design and build with over 7000 different ‘brix’ components. You can build with these to make your own structures, as well as creating a custom player character for yourself.

It’s not necessarily just for your own satisfaction either. You’ll be able to venture out into other players’ cities and see what they’ve designed. Hopefully this comes with some robust moderation, as some people absolutely can’t be trusted.

Interested in checking the game out? Pre-registrations are open via Google Play, or there’s the official website too.

Interested in some fresh titles while you wait? Check out our feature on the best new Android games this week.

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