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Dead Wasteland is Basically Remnant 2 Meets Valheim on Android

A survivor cooking in front of a fire in Dead Wasteland.

What I particularly love writing about on Droid Gamers is ambitious indie games that fly under the radar. They don’t come around very often, but when they do they make an impact – just like Dead Wasteland did this week.

Dead Wasteland has an incredibly impressive low-poly art style that begs for you to explore its post-apocalyptic world. Take a glance at the action on YouTube though, and it looks just as great in motion.

Dead Wasteland’s Combat Looks Familiar

The combat is very reminiscent of Remnant 2, and sees you swap between brutal melee hacking-and-slashing and precision-based shooting.

When the zombie hordes approach your character, it just really reminded me of Gunfire Games’s Dark Souls with guns.

It’s Also a Bit Valheim?

But the rest of the game is just pure Valheim, just with less vikings and more zombies. You explore a post-apocalyptic world, loot resources, and craft vital items that will help you survive.

You can craft healing potions, a wide variety of weapons, and even arrows that you can fire from your bow. There’s also a full cooking system, which will help you stay fed and alive.

Of course, you can also expect to build your own shelter, so you have a safe place to sleep. It wouldn’t be a survival game without it.

What Else Can I Do in Dead Wasteland?

The trailer also shows off a trading system, which sees you meeting up with characters in-game to trade items that you need. We also saw characters chopping down trees for wood, and some terrific ragdoll physics.

With a full day and night system, dynamic weather, a variety of vehicles to drive, and a huge, proceduarly generated world to explore, there’s plenty to keep you busy. Controller support is also on the way, but isn’t in the game just yet. Sorry, Primal!

But we haven’t even mentioned the best part yet: it’s got lightsabers. That’s right. So head on over to Google Play right now to check out Dead Wasteland.

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