
Battle to Craft in Dr. Stone Battle Craft, Now Out in Japan!

feature image for our dr. stone battle craft news, the image features two screenshots from the game, the image on the left is of the crafting screen with a pestal and mortal on a wooden shelf, on the right is a screenshot of the battle screen with senku and an old man celebrating victory as the old man lifts his hammer into the air and senku holds on to a science beaker

Dr. Stone Battle Craft is out now… but only in Japan. Take to the battlefield with your favourite characters from the anime and manga series and experience some of the most iconic moments once again.

If you’d like to learn more about Dr. Stone Battle Craft, you can do so by visiting the game’s official Google Play page!

Crafting and Gathering (Sort of)!

I fondly remember watching the first season of the Dr Stone anime, and I was pleasantly surprised. On the surface level, it does look a little goofy. However, the series has garnered a ton of fans worldwide, leading to the eventual development of a mobile game.

So, what’s the name of the game all about? Well, Dr. Stone Battle Craft does exactly what it says on the tin. You need to head into battle to collect a range of resources to craft with! The crafting system allows you to make a variety of items that can be utilised during combat to give you the upper hand.

I actually quite like the idea of a game that focuses heavily on the crafting aspect. Yes, mobile games tend to have crafting or upgrading features, but Dr. Stone Battle Craft is all about it! Maybe it’s because of my love for RPGs and farming sim games…

Will There Be a Global Release?

I’m yet again having to ponder whether or not a mobile game will come to global servers or if it will remain as a JP-only release – it’s getting increasingly more common. I’m still waiting for the Blue Lock and Jujutsu Kaisen gacha games to be released for global players!

Sadly, there isn’t any sign of an announcement just yet, so we’ll just have to wait and see. I guess it all depends on how well Dr. Stone Battle Craft does in Japan. Still, with it being a beloved series, I’m sure it’ll be a great success overseas.

While we’re waiting, why not have a read of our Best Android RPGs guide?

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