
Flats is a new cross-platform FPS game for mobile devices

Foliage Games has released a rather interesting FPS game onto mobile devices called Flats. The reason the game is called Flats is due to all the artwork being flat, so there are no shadows or dimensions to any of it. This is a straight up FPS game though with both a single-player and multiplayer mode to participate in.

Single-player is basically a survival game as waves of enemies come at you which you need to kill all of them. Each wave is stronger than the last one, so eventually you will die. It is just a matter of how long you can survive. Multiplayer, however, features five different game types: Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch, Territories, Capture the Flag, Blow up the Base.

Regardless of what mode you are playing in, you can use the options within the menu to swap into different modes at any time. You can even play a single-player game while waiting for the multiplayer match you are in to fill up with players, that way you aren’t sitting around waiting and doing nothing.

This game won’t be for everyone though, especially if you don’t dig the artwork and the bright colors. The controls could also use a little tweaking, but overall if you’re into it for the gameplay, you should enjoy Flats. For those of you who prefer using a controller, there is no native controller support. You can download a copy of this game off of Google Play for free and it does include optional IAPs.

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