
Kemco announces the sequel to their Alphadia RPG, coming December 3rd

Kemco happens to be one of the main publishers of retro-style RPGs and JRPGs on Android and today they have announced that a sequel to their Alphadia RPG is on the way, slated for release on December 3rd, 2012 onto Google Play. Officially called Alphadia II, this sequel takes place two centuries after the original game happens and, as you might be guessing, a new evil has arisen.

Alphadia II is much bigger than the first game in terms of content and even features a bit more of an open world feel to it since players will be able to eventually travel the world freely. Along the way there are dungeons to explore, companions to recruit, towns to visit and, of course, quests to complete. Players will also be able to accept missions from the Guild which, once completed, can be turned in to receive valuable coins which can be exchanged for powerful and hard to get items later on.

There are also new combat mechanics in Alphadia II including a new Break Skill. These are unique to each character and when a player has a character’s Break Gauge filled, they can be used to ‘turn the tides of battle’ into a favorable one for you. Basically they are like a charge attack and the interesting thing about these are that once you begin mastering them, they will actually unlock various other Break Skills that are more powerful. It is almost like a secondary skill system but based around a charge attack game mechanic.

Alphadia II goes much deeper than what we’ve covered here in terms of combat and storyline. You can actually read up more about Alphadia II over on Kemco’s official page for the game. Until the game lands on Google Play on December 3rd, 2012, you can check out the trailer above to see the game in action.

Official Website: Alphadia II

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