
Lemuria: Rise of the Delca Brings a King’s Bounty-Like Experience to Android

A gameplay screen of Lemuria: Rise of the Delca.

It’s been almost a decade since the latest entry in the King’s Bounty series, Dark Side, graced our shores. As a result, fans of the RPG strategy series are likely quite desperate for a new entry.

While I can’t quite sate sate your thirst for a new sequel, I can, instead, point you towards Lemuria: Rise of the Delca. This strategy RPG just launched on Android and provides a similar experience.

What’s Lemuria: Rise of the Delca?

You explore an open world map filled with hex-shaped grids. Along the way, you will encounter friends, foes, dungeons, and treasure.

Friends may offer quests, while foes will put your battle prowess to the test. You won’t go alone though, as you can recruit heroes and have them fight alongside you in battle.

This is where the real strategy lies. You have to create a well-balanced party made up of heroes from 12 different races. Each hero has its own strengths and weaknesses, so you have to pick wisely.

How is it an RPG?

Aside from heroes, there is equipment to gather that will increase their power. This includes the usual weapons and armour, as well as powerful artifacts. These provide new skills and change the battle styles of each hero.

There’s a lengthy story mode to battle through to improve your party but, eventually, you will likely want to put them to the test.

Fortunately, you can do so in the arena, against real opponents. There’s a leaderboard you can climb if you’re good enough.

Is There Hardcore PvE Content?

Or, you can take on the more challenging PvE content, including dungeons and bosses. Again, you can invite friends to join you, forming a guild to play together regularly.

One word of warning though: Lemuria: Rise of the Delca is a free-to-play experience, so you should expect pay-to-win mechanics.

I haven’t had a chance to play past the easy early game yet, so can’t comment on how greedy it gets later on.

Where Can I Get Lemuria: Rise of the Delca?

If you’d like to check it out, grab Lemuria: Rise of the Delca from Google Play right now. Or, if you fancy something else, check out our best new Android games this week feature for more recommendations.

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