
Upcoming Genshin-like Action RPG Metria Heads To Alpha Test

The featured image for our Metria Alpha article, featuring a third person shot of a character from the game overlooking an expansive green valley.

Asobimo is pushing its latest action RPG Metria to Alpha testing. The game released a Tweet on April 10, announcing the alpha release date. The testing period will run from April 12 through to April 21.

Interestingly, the Tweet also mentions that the alpha won’t be available on April 15 and 16, and that login will only be open for seven hours a day.

You might suspect that Metria has taken the hugely popular Genshin Impact as inspiration when you look at it, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing.

The game features a beautiful open world, detailed by bright colours, and expansive valleys. The third-person perspective, along with the 3D graphics, also implies a bit of Genshin influence. This is only a superficial look though, we have no idea how it’ll play.

An Alpha Open To All

Asobimo has confirmed that the alpha test will be available to everyone. In another Tweet, Metria writes “When the test starts, the app will become downloadable from Google Play Store, so keep your eyes open!”

None of the announcements mention a pre-register for the alpha, and the above quote states you’ll be able to download the game right from Google Play. This is great news if you’ve only just found out about Metria, as it won’t be too late to jump onto the first public build of the game!

A Promising Preview

Over the last couple of weeks, Metria’s Twitter account has been releasing short previews of the game, teasing the gameplay. The latest preview showcases the player cycling through a bunch of characters, suggesting that character collection will play a big role in the game.

The colourful, 3D graphics return alongside a stunning score that teems with wonder and discovery. We’re uncertain if this music is a placeholder used for the trailer, but it certainly fits with the world Metria is trying to paint.

One Twitter user, @rik_razgriz, thought the game shared a likeness to another MMORPG, writing underneath the post, “What if Toram and Genshin had a son”.

Keep your eyes open wide on April 12 for Metria’s alpha build on Google Play.

If you’re looking for a new gacha game to play, have a read our article discussing the Best Android Gacha Games.

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