
Metria is Asobimo’s Take on Genshin Impact, in Pre-Registration Now on Android

Metria official artwork.

Every developer is working on their Genshin Impact-beater at the moment, it seems. The latest to throw their hat into the ring is the exceptionally talented Asobimo with Metria.

If you haven’t heard of the developer and publisher before, it’s best known for its mobile MMORPG Toram Online. It regularly appears in Android gamer’s best MMORPGs on the platform lists.

What’s Metria?

Asobimo has just announced Metria, a Genshin Impact-style gacha RPG. You play as a character that wakes up in an unknown land and, presumably, must save it.

You won’t go it alone though. Much like in Genshin Impact, you recruit various different heroes to join you gacha-style. You’ll also encounter these during the story too, and get to know them.

Similarly to Genshin Impact, you can swap between these characters at will, with timing playing a huge component in combat.

You can hack and slash away at enemies but if you want to take them out quickly, you need to use your heroes’ Super Special Moves. These deal enormous damage and take down hordes of enemies quickly.

It Looks Very Similar to Genshin Impact

Visually, it’s like a more realistic Genshin Impact. The environments are still bursting with colour, but they’re distinctly less cartoon-y than Genshin.

The character models are very familiar though. If Asobimo whacked in some cel-shading, it would look very familiar indeed. As it is, it looks quite similar to an earlier Tales of or Atelier game.

Asobimo has posted Metria on Google Play, and you can pre-register for it right now. I’m not sure exactly when it launches, but I’ll update you when I learn more.

What Can I Play While I Wait?

If you’re looking for something new to play, you can check out our best new Android games this week. We update this weekly with the best new games so you always have something new to play.

You could also play Genshin Impact, which will provide a very similar experience. Go ahead and grab it right now on Google Play.

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