
MiHoYo Announces a Genshin Impact Global Online Concert

Genshin Impact has been one of the biggest games of the last twelve months, and to celebrate its first anniversary, miHoYo is holding a concert packed full of music from the game.

The concert, which was announced at Gamescom, is called Genshin Concert 2021 – Melodies of an Endless Journey, and it’ll be available free online on October 3rd.

The concert will feature Belgian conductor Maestro Dirk Brossé and the Flanders Symphony Orchestra performing music from the soundtrack to Genshin Impact, by Yu-Peng Chen and HOYO-MiX, as well as other musicians from around the world performing their own renditions.

“We’ve been experimenting with varied cultural elements in Genshin Impact’s music in the past and present, and will continue to do so in the future,” said Yu-Peng Chen, Composer and Music Producer of HOYO-MiX.

“When Maestro Dirk Brossé and the Flanders Symphony Orchestra first played the Mondstadt theme, we immediately knew we got the ideal team to recreate some of the most memorable moments in the game for fans and players.”

“At the same time, the GENSHIN CONCERT 2021 is also a blessed opportunity for our team to communicate with gifted artists around the world and learn from their distinct interpretations of the game and music through various covers.”

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