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Apple With No Slice! miHoYo Attempt At Dodging 30% Cut Fees, Twice.

The image shows one of the characters leaping toward the camera. She is extending her hands as if to be caught by the viewer. The character is one from the Genshin Impact franchise. The surrounding scenery is lush green with a warm sunny background.

Is miHoYo dodging Apple fees? The friendship between Apple and miHoYo, developer of gacha titan, Genshin Impact seems to be hanging by a thread as miHoYo continues to evade the 30% Apple fees.

The alliance between Apple and miHoYo goes as far back as the launch of Genshin Impact. In 2020, Apple announced Genshin as the iPhone game of the year, and the title of Best Visuals and Graphics in Games in the Apple Designs Award which was hosted only a year later.

These awards were of course well deserved. After all, Genshin was one of the first games to make strides with the at the time brand-new 120FPS mode of play. This rich story and stunning visuals became a bit of a poster child for Apple… So what happened, is miHoyo dodging Apple fees?

An Apple With No Slices!

Well, Apple demands a 30% take from all in-game sales from any app published to their platform. With a game as massive as Genshin, or any game really, 30% is a LOT to take away from the developers. miHoYo tackled this in a rather discreet fashion, by prompting players to make purchases directly through the miHoYo website instead.

These digital goods would enter the accounts of users in the same fashion, the only difference being Apple doesn’t get a slice of the earnings. In response to this, Apple kicked the forum app off of the App Store. But who is in the wrong?

The solution to this is rather simple though. Apple cannot force in-app purchases to only be made through the App Store. However, miHoYo had attached a forum APP for payments, which Apple is able to put a stop to. miHoYo can continue to take payments through their website as much as possible without the 30% cut for Apple.

What Do You Think?

Who do you think is in the right? Let us know below. You can also check out more of miHoYo’s projects through the Official Website. Or, as always, check out some other news from today. Sky Fortress: Odyssey, a Highly Anticipated Fantasy RPG, Opens Pre-Registration.

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