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The Nikke G-Star Awards Prove the Gacha Game’s Success

feature image for our nikke g-star awards news, the image features a screenshot from the broadcast of the awards show, with 4 people on the stage, as one bows, there is a screen behind them with 4 characters from the game

It’s that time of year again for G-Star 2023! And this time, all attention is on the Nikke G-Star awards. The popular gacha RPG won a total of 2 awards during the Korea Game Show. The first is the Excellence Award for Best RPG and the second is a Technology Creation award for the characters.

If you’d like to find out more about Nikke, you can do so by visiting the game’s official website or downloading it on Google Play. The game is currently hosting its 1st Anniversary event, so it’s a great time to start!

Plus, if you’re not quite sure what G-Star is, take a look at the event’s official website.

Awarded for Success

I may be biased as an avid player of Nikke, but it’s well deserved. Annoyingly, it’s pretty difficult to find out the other nominees for these categories, as I’d have liked to compare what competition the game was up against.

Even though Nikke has faced criticisms since its launch in 2022, you can’t deny that the gacha game has certainly made an impact. If you look past the game’s visuals and initial advertisement, you’ll find an absolutely brilliant story set within an immersive dystopian world. Now that is why it won the Excellence Award.

As for the Technology Creation award, well, Nikke is known for its high-quality in-game art pieces of each character.

That and the fact that the live 2D animations are probably some of the best in the genre right now. Despite the game playing more or less like a visual novel outside of combat, the fluidity of a character’s movements is truly impressive.

The Future of Nikke

So what do the Nikke G-Star awards mean for the game? I expect it’ll bring a lot more attention to the title, which in turn, leads to more players.

I’ve said it multiple times, but Nikke doesn’t seem to be slowing down any time soon. With billboard adverts in New York City, to the production of figurines, it isn’t just some “silly little gacha game”.

If Nikke isn’t up your alley, then why not try a game from our Best Android Gacha Games guide?

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