Category: News


Mobage releases Please Stay Calm, a location-based zombie survival MMORPG

Mobage generally releases games onto iOS and Android on a pretty consistent basis. Usually they are pretty decent titles, some are not so good while others are pretty good. Their newest title is called Please Stay Calm and is a location-based zombie survival MMORPG for Android. The story line actually takes place next year, 2014, so all your doomsday people out there, add next year to your calenders for the zombie apocalypse.


Upcoming MMORTS Godsrule gets some new concept art released

One game that was originally announced as coming to iPad but at GDC Sega announced it would be coming to Android as well is the upcoming cross-platform MMORTS Godsrule. While the game is almost complete for mobile version, it is available to check out via your PC’s’ browsers as well. However, Sega has released some rather cool looking concept art to check out while we wait for the game’s release.


They Need To Be Fed sequel announced, here’s a sneak peek

The developer for the original They Need To Be Fed and Karoshi games hopped on over to our forums a moment ago to announce the sequel to They Need To Be Fed is on the way and gave us a sneak peek at what this sequel with encompass. Officially named They Need To Be Fed 2, for those of you not familiar with the original game, this is a rather cool platformer that comes with a rather unique 360 degree twist to it.