Category: News


[Updated] Gameloft closes down their Hyderabad studio in India, 250 out of work

Strange news today coming from the folks over at Gameloft. While the company just announced their Q4 2012 earning which shows the company making quite the improvement when it comes to profit, showing a 27% increase in revenue over Q4 2011 profits. For Q4 2012 Gameloft pulled in a consolidated sales total of €57.7 million which also marks the company’s bigest quarter last year. So with such an increase in profit, news of Gameloft shutting down their India studio seems a bit strange.


GameStick gets a new design and a docking station

While OUYA recently announced improvements to the controllers, based on feedback the company has gotten, that will be coming with the Android-based game console, one of their direct competitors has also received a new look based on feedback from backers of their Kickstarter campaign. On top of that, thanks to the successful backing that GameStick received while on Kickstarter, the unit will now come with a docking station as well.


Epic Games releases Epic Citadel onto Google Play, Hell has frozen over

We’ve talked numerous times in the past how Epic and their games division have not released, nor ever had plans to release, anything on Google Play. It’s been a topic of conversation here on the site plenty of times and how we have always felt that it is stupid that they don’t release anything for Android, only iOS. So imagine our surprise when we got a tip saying that Epic Citadel was now available on Google Play.