Category: News


Pinball Arcade’s Twilight Zone funding successful, almost half way to Star Trek table

We’ve been reporting on Farsight’s Pinball Arcade Kickstarter project since it went live. The original goal was to get enough funding to be able to get the license for the rights to digitize the Twilight Zone pinball table. Well that goal has been reached and they are already half way to getting enough funds for their stretch goal which is the Star Trek: Next Generation table.


Samsung implemented extreme security measures to prevent Galaxy S III leaks

The Samsung Galaxy S III was one of the most anticipated Android smartphones this year. The first two flagship Galaxy S smartphones were considered to be among the finest Android devices of their time. With so much riding on the Galaxy S brand, Samsung had to make sure that no information regarding the Galaxy S III leaked out ahead of release. Its methods for keeping the GSIII a secret went well beyond the honor system.