
Inoutbox Games Is Cooking Up A New Inotia 4-Style Game, Quick-Time Event Master

featured image for our news on Quick-Time Event Master. It has a black background. The game's name is simply featured on it in a rusty brown-orange colour.

If you’re an avid gamer, you probably already know what QTE or Quick time event is. Well, Inoutbox Games has just announced its latest QTE-focused title called QTEM or Quick-Time Event Master for mobile. It’s an action RPG with turn-based fights, boss battles and of course, nifty quick-time events.

What’s Quick-Time Event Master About?

Before telling you what the game is about, let me give you a quick intro on QTEs. In video games, a QTE is when you have to hit buttons or do actions that pop up on the screen really quickly. If you mess up or don’t do the right thing fast enough, your character fails and you might have to start over or lose a life.

A lot of games use this mechanism already. Examples include Resident Evil 4 and COD: Advanced Warfare. Now, Quick-Time Event Master takes it to another level. It chucks you into a world brimming with QTEs. Here, you’d need to outfight mobs of foes to push the story forward, morph gear into jaw-dropping artifacts and unravel the enigmas of a mystical place.

The story kicks off with an age where Darkness rules the world. You get three types of foes, called Common, Elite and Bosses. The higher-tier enemies (Elite and Bosses) can trigger special QTEs and cast spells that’ll ratchet up the difficulty mid-fight. Want to see how it looks? Catch a glimpse of the game below!

When Will It Drop?

QTEM: Quick-Time Event Master is currently in its early pre-alpha stage. Inoutbox Games is calling players to take part and chime in so that they can polish it and release it globally soon. You can head over to their official website to get the latest updates and learn more about the game.

Before heading out, check out our other latest news. Blue Archive x A Certain Scientific Railgun T Crossover Drops Globally!

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