
Reverse: 1999 Version 1.4 Travels Back in Time to Ancient Greece

feature image for our reverse: 1999 version 1.4 news, the image features promo art for an upcoming character of a woman sat on the water of the ocean as she reaches towards the sun, she is wearing an outfit inspired by ancient greece, as a dolphin jumps out of the ocean behind her

While we patiently wait for the global release, the CN server is gearing up for the Reverse: 1999 half-year anniversary celebrations, which nicely coincide with version 1.4. Luckily, we global players don’t have too long to wait, with the game due to release on October 26.

Interested in learning more about Reverse: 1999? Visit the game’s official website or pre-register now on Google Play.

New Characters and Story Quests

We can’t enjoy version 1.4’s new content just yet, but we can at least look forward to it. In fact, there are brand-new 6-star characters inspired by Greek history and a free 5-star character selector – from the standard pool.

Reverse: 1999 version 1.4 includes chapter 5 of the main storyline, which gives us an idea of when we can expect to see this content in the global release. If it’s taken around 6 months to get 5 chapters out, it could take a little less time for us (possibly). 

New Game modes!

Additionally, there are two fresh game modes, including explosive raid content and a relaxing set of sandbox puzzles – although I do get quite frustrated at puzzles in games.

With version 1.4 colliding with the Reverse: 1999 half-year anniversary event period, you can obtain 20 free pulls via the daily login event, as well as 7 free pulls via the daily free pull banner. 

It’s a little hard to determine which rewards are given because of the anniversary or because of the launch of version 1.4. However, it’s nice to see that the game is doing well, which sets a positive outlook for the upcoming October 26 release of the global servers.

Looking for new gacha games to play while you wait for the Reverse: 1999 global servers? We’ve got a Best Android Gacha Games guide to help you find a title to tide you over until later this month!

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