
Scrylight Is Like Pokémon Go For Spirits

Feature image for our Scrylight news, showing a person holding a phone with a horrifying ghostly face on screen.

As Halloween draws closer and our thoughts turn to spookier games, we’ve stumbled across an absolute banger. Scrylight is currently up on the crowdfunding site KickStarter, and promises an augmented reality experience where you hunt ghosts instead of pocket monsters.

Scrylight uses the ScryEngine, which is built of Pokémon Go creator Niantic’s Lightship technology, so it’s on a solid base.

A Wild Phantom Appeared!

The game sets out to provide a truly terrifying experience that transforms your phone into a black mirror into the world of the dead.

In Scrylight you can engage in a ghost hunt with up to three friends. Your task is to locate the unhomed spirits wandering around you and banish them from the material plane.

The trouble is, the ghosts won’t go quietly. If they get close enough, they’ll drain the power from your scrylight, and then… well best not think about what they’ll do.

Evading these phantoms means getting physical. You might need to hide from these angry spirits. Sometimes you need to freeze in place and not move to evade its gaze. Other times you might have to follow the entity without letting it notice you.

Geographical Ghosts

The ScryEngine procedurally generates ghosts, and the GPS data lets the engine create restless spirits based on the nature of your location. Want a pirate ghost by the sea? You got it.

Ghosts have different death types, personalities, and reasons they cannot leave the mortal realm.

It gets worse. In the plans, it states Scrylight will be able to interact with smart devices, so you can enjoy all the fun of poltergeist activity without the fear of getting a chair thrown at you.

It can make Philips Hue lights flicker menacingly, something you could not tell your friends about before they play, if you hate your friends.

If this all sounds exciting to you, check out the Kickstarter page for more info, and read all about the development. The campaign ends in 20 days as of writing the article, and you can get some exclusive goodies as a backer.

As with most crowdfunding campaigns, approach with caution, and weigh up for yourself a studio’s ability to deliver. That’s always good practice on anything still in development.

Want something to play in the meantime? Check out our best new Android games this week.

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