
Strange Horticulture: Can You Handle The Dark Secrets In Your Shop?

The feature image of the news on Strange Horticulture is a screenshot of the gameplay.

Strange Horticulture is up for pre-order on the Google Play Store. Developed by Bad Viking and published by Iceberg Interactive, Strange Horticulture is an occult puzzle game that blends plant shopkeeping with a captivating story.

Become the Horticulturist of Undermere

Want to know what it’s all about? Let me run you through the gist. In Strange Horticulture, you take on the role of the proprietor of a local plant store in the quaint town of Undermere. But Undermere isn’t your typical town.

Mysterious forests and rugged mountains surround it, and a cast of colorful customers with secrets soon come knocking on your shop door. Identifying these plants is vital to progress in the story.

You have to utilize their trusty encyclopedia and contextual clues gathered during exploration to discern the properties and effects of each plant. 

Customers & Cauldrons

As you run your shop, a cast of well.. colorful characters will visit, seeking your expertise.

When you roam the world beyond your shop, you’ll find a rich history of occult mysteries stretching back centuries. But be careful! The wilderness holds its own dangers, and venturing too far could lead you to lose your mind or discover incredible hidden powers.

Cultivate Curiosity

Strange Horticulture isn’t just about selling flowers. You’ll also become a skilled botanist, using your trusty encyclopedia and exploration clues to identify a wide variety of unusual plants. Each plant has properties that can influence the story’s events.

This Indie simulation game offers a blend of puzzle and story. You’ll learn about their properties and uses by carefully examining the plants you find.

Will you use hypnotic hallucinogens to manipulate a customer or a potent poison to eliminate a threat? The choice is left up to you, and the consequences of your actions will shape the narrative.

Keep track of Strange Horticulture’s official website to stay updated on the ongoing shebang!

Don’t start making portions just yet; check out the happenings of The Night Crow Update.

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