
This week in World of Midgard news: Pre-beta round 1 under way, here’s some footage!

Alright well everyone knows we didn’t get into the first round of the pre-beta which has given us a sad face but that is alright, hopefully we will get into the second round. However, some nice people in the first round have recorded some in-game footage and it looks great.

Not only do we have some in-game footage to show you but World of Midgard is already expanding with five new boss rooms having been added to dungeons this week. While the user interface is still in developer mode, for those of you wondering, the complete user interface should be available in the second pre-beta round. So sit back, relax and enjoy these in-game videos as well as some new ones from the developers of World of Midgard MMORPG.

World of Midgard Pre-beta Day 1 video – This is running on a PC

Gem Dungeon video and attacking video – Looks pretty good so far

5 new boss rooms announcement – Showing off the new boss rooms in dungeons

Developing Swimming – Preview of how swimming will look in WoM

Tour of route from city to tree village – Flying on a dragon from the city to the tree village and some of the surrounding mobs and scenery

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