
The official Playstation 4 companion app launching November 13th for North America, Nov. 22nd for Europe

When the Xbox One and the Playstation 4 were announced this year there was a heavy focus on second-screen experiences as well as social features that both consoles would be coming having integrated into them. The Playstation 4 seemed to have more of a foothold on the whole thing, pushing the second-screen experiences and social features a lot more during their presentation and upcoming games.


Activision releases Call of Duty: Strike Team onto Google Play for some tactical goodness

Activision has decided to come out of left field and release a Call of Duty game onto Android called Call of Duty: Strike Team. This particular game is a blend of first-person and third-person squad-based tactical gameplay where you’ll be controlling your squad of soldiers, positioning them in strategic places before switching to a first-person perspective and laying out a few clips of ammo onto your enemies.


Sad Blizzard’s Hearthstone was announced for just iOS? Don’t be, there’s hope for Android devices.

When Blizzard announced their new game, which ended up being a TCG called Hearthstone, it was also announced for iOS gamers to play on the iPad. However other mobile platforms were left behind like our beloved Android platform. New evidence is pointing towards the possibility that an Android and Windows Phone version of Hearthstone could be arriving soon.


[Updated] Aerena – Clash of Champions goes live with Alpha access available through Google Play

Last week we talked about a rather cool looking turn-based combat game called Aerena – Clash of Champions by Cliffhanger Productions. This is one of those games we’ve been talking about lately that will be arriving with cross-platform support between mobile and PC gamers, being available through Steam for PC, Mac and Linux users while also being launched on iOS and Android for the mobile gamer to enjoy.


Dungeons & Dragons: Arena of War has arrived, now available on Google Play for free

We’ve talked about Dungeons & Dragons: Arena of War a few times in the past and how it would be arriving onto Android in the near future. Well that near future has turned into now as the game is now available for download off of Google Play. Based on the Forgotten Realms world, this is a full 3D RPG title which is actually part of a large event to reshape the Forgotten Realms world.