
Roccat’s new Power-Grid app now out. Turns your phone or tablet into a PC gaming peripheral

Roccat has been making PC gaming peripherals for awhile now and it seems the company wants a piece of the mobile action but not in the way you are probably thinking. While Roccat hasn’t jumped into making actual peripherals for mobile gaming, they have released an application they have been working on for awhile now that will turn your Android phone or tablet into a gaming peripheral.


Electronic Arts working on bringing back their Battlefield franchise to mobile devices

EA has plenty of franchises in their catalog of games for a variety of platforms but their main FPS franchise called Battlefield is one that the company has big plans for in the near future. These plans pertain to bringing the franchise to mobile but it isn’t just about bringing a port of the game over. It’s also about having it ‘inter-operate’ with the game on other platforms as well, making it a true cross-platform mobile game. This is a trend we have been seeing lately as this is at least the third game in about a week that we’ve talked about heading our way that will contain cross-platform multiplayer with its PC/console brethren.


Blocky Roads will be bringing car crafting and Minecraft style to Android soon

Minecraft and even games earlier than that have created a trend over the last year or so with games featuring the blocky style of visuals being released. The good thing about this trend is that most of the games released using this style of visual happen to end up being good and enjoyable games to play. Dogbyte Games has a new title heading our way soon that features this style of visuals called Blocky Roads.


Nvidia’s GameStream feature officially arriving October 28th for Shield owners to use

One of the features that Nvidia’s Shield was announced to have was the ability to  stream PC games to it so you can play those game on your Shield. While the short term goal was local streaming from your own PC, the long term goal is to have streaming available no matter where you are as long as you have an internet connection. This would be through Nvidia’s GRID streaming service which we’ve talked about a few times already.


Tactical turn-based combat game on Steam called Aerena – Clash of Champions coming to Android in the future

Another game on Steam has announced some additional platforms that it will be available on in the future after its release on Steam. Developed by Cliffhanger Productions, Aerena – Clash of Champions and is a tactical turn-based combat strategy game which will feature cross-platform multiplayer. This is the second game this week that we have reported on that will feature this kind of cross-platform support.