
AMA Ltd announces their first game for Google Glass called Escape

Even though Google Glass isn’t out for public consumption just yet and there are only a few of them floating around right now, AMA Ltd has already finished a game for the wearable technology called Escape. This game is already available for those of you interested in checking it out over on Google Play and AMA Ltd has ported it over to Google Glass as well which must have been an interesting job to accomplish.


[Updated] Giveaway: Enter to win one of the multiple 100,000 eeGon coin packages for TurtleStrike

As many of you know eeGon just released their multiplayer turn-based strategy game called TurtleStrike onto Android. You probably also know that right now eeGon is holding their first of many tournaments for cash prizes, with this first one having a total of $5,000 USD up for grabs. Well we have decided to team up with eeGon to give away a bunch of eeGon coin packages to a bunch of lucky readers.


Square Enix’s Chaos Rings now available through Playstation Mobile

Square Enix has made one of their games on Android just a little bit more accessible as they have put Chaos Rings up on Sony’s Playstation Mobile store. This is the first Square Enix title to appear on the store and while most Android users shouldn’t have a problem grabbing their games off of Google Play, those of you who prefer Sony’s store can now grab a copy of Chaos Rings off of there.


Video shows Vector Unit’s new Riptide GP 2 running perfectly on Ouya

Vector Unit’s newest addition to their catalog of awesome games happens to be the very recently released sequel to Riptide GP. While the game was just released onto Android and iOS, no official version has made its way over to Ouya. Of course that doesn’t mean you can’t side-load the game onto your Android-powered console after buying it off of Google Play and that is exactly what one Ouya owner did.